An Inconvenient Friend

Disconnect. We all experience it. We all have our reasons, our excuses for why we do it. "She is too needy." "We don't agree on anything." "She weighs me down."" I am too exhausted for all that drama." Maybe you've heard it said about you. Maybe you've said it about someone else. I want to share with you the one I hear about me the most. "You are unapproachable." I am definitely aloof. I have always been a daydreamer and I try to work through my thoughts before I share them. I actually enjoy debating with others, but often refrain from it. There is some back story there, which I will share shortly. I tend to invest a lot of energy and emotion into my family (blood or not) so I don't often seek new friendships. I was brought up in an atmosphere where we don't force ourselves onto other people. I am willing to adopt-so if you express that you want into my family-I am here. If you need help call me. If you ...