Nobody's Job
Have you ever heard the story about Nobody 's Job? Like eveybody , I could have married anybody . Somebody would love me. I was a nobody . My mom was a nobody . My dad was a nobody . I married a nobody . I know this makes me sound crazy. I know I married a nobody because the children's area of our church -- he's the children's pastor--it's a disaster zone. No really, it is a mess. Last Sunday he forgot to make sure a toilet wasn't running. He isn't a plumber, he isn't the facility manager, it was just a problem he noticed and checking it became an item on his "to do" list. He did it because it needed done. What happens when Nobody doesn't do the job? In this particular case--The toilet ran a marathon and a professional clean up crew was called in to remove the water. One week later--fans are running, flooring is missing, and the contents of 2 classrooms, two storage rooms, and an office are sc...