Fan or Foe?

I am a fan of fans. (My fantasy football username is novelfan.) However, the fans I love the most right now are household fans that make hot, humid, Michigan summers bearable. The steady hum of a fan settles me. The soft breeze cools and refreshes me without shocking my system. I find that drastic temperature changes cause nagging headaches. I find fans extremely beneficial. Last week, one of the fans in our house became my foe. Every time I looked at it, I shivered with disgust. It was one filthy fan. When I walked by my foe I could feel it blasting me with dirt bullets loaded with germs. I could not help but think the fan was doing more harm than good. My husband and eldest son told me it was useless. It was decision time, I could: Let it keep throwing filth -- this would put my family's health at risk. As a mother doing nothing was NOT an option I was willing to consider. Throw it out -- I have a hope-filled heart that sees the potential in everything. I was n...